In today’s digital age, leveraging technology can significantly enhance the citizen experience, streamlining processes and making government services more accessible.
4 Tech Trends for Increasing Government Transparency in 2025
As residents expect greater access to information and seamless digital interactions, government transparency has become essential for local governments. Emerging technology trends empower municipalities and counties to meet these expectations while improving efficiency.
5 Examples of Civic Engagement and How to Implement Them
Today, local governments have unprecedented opportunities to use digital tools to build stronger connections with residents, streamline service delivery, and foster a more engaged community.
A local government’s website is often the primary touchpoint for residents, businesses, and visitors to connect with services and resources. For clerks and IT staff, designing a website that is user-friendly is key to improving resident satisfaction, enhancing engagement, and streamlining workflows.
3 Time-Saving Tips for Community Development Services
Whether handling permits, inspections, or planning meetings, these tasks take time and energy. Here are three ways software can help local governments streamline their community development work.
5 Local Government Software Issues and How to Fix Them
Local governments are beginning to rely heavily on software solutions to streamline workflows, manage data, and serve their communities more efficiently.
Discover how SDL can create simplified digital processes across departments. This drives actionable insights that lead to better outcomes for your local government and community.